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The words deep within the heart

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Today, I want to share a poem I wrote back in sixth grade about the effects of war and the pain one faces even after it is over. This poem is about how, even after the war is won and the homeland is safe, the sorrow has still not gone, for the soldiers, the real glory of the battlefield were dead.

As I stand shedding tears of blood
Watching my flag in the sky,
As I hear the sobbing and crying of some
I knew the glory had died

The wind blew the dirt off my blood stained face
I caressed my wounds slowly with brace.
I felt myself being carried away
As I saw the face of my own grave.

As my body lay in a helpless heap
Of sorrow as my eyes set on the sky,
As I hear the sobbing and crying of some

I knew the glory had died.

It's really emotional, Isn't it? After writing this poem, I decided to keep it away for later. A few days ago, while cleaning my study table, I  found it written down in one of my sixth grade notebooks. So here it is, my dear readers! I suppose all of us write poetry like this from time to time. So, like me, you too can post them here for the whole world to see! Good Luck!

Signing off, 
Lilly Elaine 


  1. Soldiers are the first who faces all the effects of war...
    Nice poem.
    Glory never dies..its immortal


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