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The question with no solution: How to deal with angry moms?

                                                     Image result for angry mother

                        How to Deal with Angry Moms?

Good morning dear readers!! Welcome back to Euphoria :) Today, my topic is on a question which is sometimes.... unanswerable. I decided to write about angry moms today 'cause my mom's angry at me too. It so happened that, for the past few days I had been goofing around like a useless person since exams were over, but now, after two days of continuous ruckus in the house, mom got fed up and....well, you know what happened. I'm pretty sure that it happens with all of us sometimes, so, I thought of bringing together all the methods I use for pacifying my mother, 'cause if momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!

1. Stay quiet if you value your life

When mothers get angry, they tend to shout a lot. Sometimes, in the heat of the matter, we also start yelling as well. My advice: Worst move ever. The best way to deal with angry mothers is to stay quiet until she cools down. Once the matter is over, you should start behaving like nothing wrong ever happened. If we start yelling as well, then this argument could go on forever. We don't want that, do we?

2. Get out of the house for sometime

Suppose, you accidentally lost your temper when your mom was yelling at you and said a bit hurtful things. It's okay, that happens with everybody. The best way to let the matter cool down is to get out of the house for sometime. The main reason for this is because it's better if you and your mom don't see each other for sometime, 'cause it could sometimes result into restarted arguments. Go out, get some fresh air, rethink over the matter and work out a way to apologise to your mother.

3. Try to impress your mom

This may seem like the oldest trick in the book, but it's also the most effective. Mothers mostly get angry when they see your untidy study tables, rooms or poor results and bad marks. You could try to impress your mother by tidying up the rooms and tables and studying hard to get better marks in the next test. This may take some time, but works wonders on moms.

4. Be practical and learn to accept your mistakes

Most arguments happen when we do not accept our mistakes and our mom starts scolding us. The best way to avoid all arguments is to accept your fault and apologise on the spot. Easy Peasy!

Mothers all over the planet get angry over the same matters, so we're all on the same boat :)
But also, the person who gets angry at you the most is the one who loves you the most. So, the next time, you're getting scolded, just remember these tips and we're done! Good Luck!!

Signing off 
Lilly Elaine


  1. Now that all your secrets on dealing with angry moms are out, you might have to find new ways to suppress your mom's anger the next time!

    Good read. Emphasis on the last point your stated.

    1. Even though all my secret techniques are out now (oh no!) I'm pretty sure that I'll be able to find new ways now :)

    2. the last point *you stated. Ignore the typo!

  2. What r u gonna do now your mom now knows all your tricks
    By the way thanks for ur help in this problem it is a thing everybody should know

    1. I'm not all that scared 'cause my mom is the forgive and forget types most of the time (she has to be, I'm an impossible kid after all)
      Other than that, when she's REALLY angry at times, I try to stay out of the way :)
      wish me luck :>


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