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Choices: Our future

Image result for choices      Hey one and all! It's been such a loooooooong time since I wrote that today when I sat down to check my emails, I saw my blog waiting for me. So, Lily is back! Lets shake away the cobwebs from our brains and restart afresh!
Today, I decided to write on the one thing we all have to face sooner or later in life: Choices.
Choices can be over anything. Be it the subjects you want to take at school, or the person you wanna marry. Aside from the big choices, we don't realize how many of them we make on a daily basis. Chocolate ice cream or Strawberry? Skirt or jeans? Red socks or white ones? Left or Right? Up or Down?
Choices may affect the immediate future, or in the long run. It all depends on just one person: You

Can choices affect the future?

Whatever you are doing right now affects your future. But you can stop worrying about it. Every passing minute is the future. Twelve years ago, right now might be your future. Not bothering about the upcoming dangers or problems doesn't mean that we shouldn't take our choices seriously at the moment. As harsh as it may sound, the world is not our playground anymore. To survive we must carve a path for ourselves (Wow, I sound like Hitler's best friend)

How to deal or react when you're given a choice?

When we're too young to make choices, our parents or guardians do it for us. This way, we never have to rack our brains over such matters. But, as we grow older, our parents give us the reins, and we become the ones controlling our lives. That's when the hard choices come in.The key to dealing with them, is to not get nervous. Never make hasty decisions which is what excited or nervous people do when they are not able to decide. But that doesn't mean that we must overthink about them. Stay balanced was what my English teacher taught me when I lost marks in my test due to overthinking over the options and writing the wrong one after striking the right one which I had already written.
I learnt this lesson, and afterwards, I never took the choices neither seriously nor for granted. So, my advice is, whatever you do, DO NOT LET CHOICES AFFECT YOU OR YOUR HEALTH. Never ever lose sleep over all these things! There is lots and lots and lots of time before you die, so don't sweat over little matters. After all, it was you who chose to read this blog!

Lot's of love! 
Signing off, 
Lilly Elaine


  1. Yess I am certainly reding correct choice. Balanced write up. Happy to read on .....


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