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Reminiscing the Old Days

Related imageWelcome back to Euphoria, my dearest readers! Long time no see! The past few days have been so so so busy 'cause my family and I are cleaning the whole house. It may sound really weird, but cleaning is kinda fun when you find all sorts of embarrassing things about your sister (woo hoo!) or yourself (oh no!) So, today I decided to write about the kind of things you may find in your house and which are worth keeping. Read on to find out:)

1. Photo Albums

Photo or picture albums are the most common things you find while cleaning the house. They can be about anything. From your parents marriage pictures to the embarrassing thing you did back when you were five, photo albums can hold anything. The most exciting is the moment when you unveil the funny pictures of your siblings, or when you find pictures of your parents' wedding and wonder out loud where you had been when they were getting married (you'll get your answer soon enough!)

2. Things you wrote 'back then'

While cleaning, you always come across a notebook which contains things you wrote, or sheets of paper with poems written on them. You may even find your old journals or diaries where you might have written something very secretive. Or, there may be your elementary school notebooks with lots of spelling errors, but are still endearing. It may seem funny reading all those things now, but is very mortifying if someone else reads it (for example, your very own brother or sister) while cleaning! I laugh a lot when I read the things I wrote in random diaries when I got angry or very happy when I was younger. I just can't believe how ridiculous I sound in the pages I wrote myself!

3. Pictures you drew

I always laugh uncontrollably when I see the drawings I made when I was small. Even if they are meaningless, they are very precious, since they are a like a fond memory of back when I used to act like I was some kind of 'great artist'. Even if the picture of your mother you drew when you were three looks like the portrait of King Kong himself, do keep it so that you can remember and still laugh about it after you grow older:)

4. Treasures

You clean your room and what do you find? The teddy bear your dad gave you when you turned two?
Yep. The cute dolls your aunt gave you at your sixth birthday party? Yep. A Super Scientist Experiment kit that had been lying under your bed since forever? Why not? Your own room seems like a war zone when you clean it out. Since I clean my room so rarely, I won't be surprised if I found a thousand year old fossil sitting in the back of my closet. But even so, it really gives one a sense of mystery and adventure when they start cleaning their room and find all sorts of cool things you had forgotten about in the past years!

You don't need a treasure island to find real treasure, when it could be buried in your own house. So, my advice is: Try to clean your room and have fun while doing so, but don't forget to keep the precious things you find neatly with yourself. It is enormous fun when you treasure such things and end up finding them in the future, like the artefacts in a museum! Or, as King Midas once said, "Old is Gold!" Good Luck finding your own treasures!

Signing off,
Lilly Elaine


  1. Wow..its really full of surprises when u find all such stuffs. Do share .....rendezvous pictures


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