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Showing posts from October, 2017

Reminiscing the Old Days

Welcome back to Euphoria, my dearest readers! Long time no see! The past few days have been so so so busy 'cause my family and I are cleaning the whole house. It may sound really weird, but cleaning is  kinda fun when you find all sorts of embarrassing things about your sister (woo hoo!) or yourself (oh no!) So, today I decided to write about the kind of things you may find in your house and which are worth keeping. Read on to find out:) 1. Photo Albums Photo or picture albums are the most common things you find while cleaning the house. They can be about anything. From your parents marriage pictures to the embarrassing thing you did back when you were five, photo albums can hold anything. The most exciting is the moment when you unveil the funny pictures of your siblings, or when you find pictures of your parents' wedding and wonder out loud where you had been when they were getting married (you'll get your answer soon enough!) 2. Things you wrote 'back then'

The words deep within the heart

                                                                                                                                                            Good Afternoon, dear readers! Welcome back to Euphoria! Today was a  kinda tense day for me since my exam results came out, but they were all good, so I'm really happy:) Today, I want to share a poem I wrote back in sixth grade about the effects of war and the pain one faces even after it is over. This poem is about how, even after the war is won and the homeland is safe, the sorrow has still not gone, for the soldiers, the real glory of the battlefield were dead. THE GLORY HAD DIED As I stand shedding tears of blood Watching my flag in the sky, As I hear the sobbing and crying of some I knew the glory had died The wind blew the dirt off my blood stained face I caressed my wounds slowly with brace. I felt myself being carried away As I saw the face of my own grave. As my body lay in a helpless heap

A Rivalry Between Siblings

Good Morning mon amis! Welcome back to Euphoria! I hope you had a good weekend ( unlike mine) First of all, I was told to clean my room, then, with nothing to do, I decided to watch some anime, but my crazy younger sister constantly annoyed me by hovering around me. At first, I endured it, but after quite some time, I got quite mad and screamed a bit. I thought she would listen to me afterwards, but I guess I underestimated her a bit, 'cause next I knew, she'd complained to mom. And you won't believe but mom got angry at ME!? Aaagh! I hate my life!! Younger siblings are like a parasite sometimes, ( I'm really sorry to all my readers who are younger siblings) When they need something from you, they're all like, "Please help me! I really really love you!" and make those cute faces that are hard to ignore, and you, like the innocent person you are, agree to do it after some persuasion, my advice is: Don't fall for these traps!!, 'cause it hurts re

Sunday Special: The Best Anime in the World

                                                                                   Fairy   Tail   Good Morning dearest readers! Welcome back to Euphoria:) Today is the day of my Sunday Special Post. Every Sunday, I will be posting about my favourite anime or manga series. So, stay tuned for more updates! What is an anime? To be frank, anime can  be another name for cartoons, but it is way more different than Peppa Pig or Ben 10. Another thing with anime is, that once you start watching it, it becomes more and more interesting and you can't stop. There are some people who hear the word ' anime' and start saying that it's for kids and not for grown ups. I feel like KILLING THEM. Anime is for anyone who can understand it, and believe me, even grown ups are crazy about it. FAIRY TAIL Written by the renowned manga artist Hiro Mashima, Fairy Tail is one of the top best anime series ever made. It's better than anything you've ever seen, and if y