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Post Exams: Day 1

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                               Being the Imperfectionist:                                                         What to do after the exams are over?

 Good Morning, mis amigos! My mid term exams just finished yesterday and now I'm all free, free, free! The days of enormous tension are over, yet the results are yet to come. So, the only freedom we all have is the time from when the exams end to the day the results come out and you realise how bad you've performed, so, don't let these days go to waste! Today, I've bought all the fun activities you can do after your exams are over, 'cause everyone deserves some time to just kick back and chill! :)

1. Relax, it's the best way to calm the mind

After the exams are over, most people get so excited that they forget the base of things and go in a full on party-mode. Try to control this adrenaline rush and just hit the couch for a moment and you'll actually realise how hyped up you've been since the past week.

2. Try to bring out the artist in you

Not everybody is a professional artist, but painting what you feel like like on a piece of paper is a good way to express your inner thoughts. Even though this may not sound like a very effective thing, it actually works wonders on hyper people like me :) 

3. Write something literary

If Shakespeare saw today's world, he might have fainted due to seeing such a lack of interest for writing in kids and elders alike. But, even writing something that's been on your mind is okay. My advice is, whoever you are, wherever you are, just try to write something interesting even if you write it just once in your lifetime 'cause you may not know exactly when your career as an accomplished writer could begin! 

4. Try to learn something new

Your exams have just ended  and you're sitting idly at your home, doing nothing and just moving on with your life. Such a boring existence could actually kill you.  Rather than sitting at home and sulking, it's better to get out of the house and actually learn something new. Suppose, you always had a hobby of learning how to play the guitar, but never had the time, now that the exams have ended, you've got all the time in the world AND YOU'RE STILL SITTING?!! Come on , how could you do that? This is the best time to pursue your hobbies!!

5. Go Social

 Your parents took away your phone during the exams and you #have #just #got #it #back. So now it's time to go social! Just log in to your Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat or Twitter account (are there any more?) to get started!!

So that's it for today my readers. You get the whole year to go out and play and just have fun, but you rarely get the chance to try anything new. So, my advice is, go ahead and try them now that you've got time,  and if you don't like the activities listed above, you can just try your own. Good Luck!!

Signing off
Lilly Elaine 



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