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Showing posts from September, 2017

The question with no solution: How to deal with angry moms?

                                                                              How to Deal with Angry Moms? Good morning dear readers!! Welcome back to Euphoria :) Today, my topic is on a question which is sometimes.... unanswerable. I decided to write about angry moms today 'cause my mom's angry at me too. It so happened that, for the past few days I had been goofing around like a useless person since exams were over, but now, after two days of continuous ruckus in the house, mom got fed up and....well, you know what happened. I'm pretty sure that it happens with all of us sometimes, so, I thought of bringing together all the methods I use for pacifying my mother, 'cause if momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy! 1. Stay quiet if you value your life When mothers get angry, they tend to shout a lot. Sometimes, in the heat of the matter, we also start yelling as well. My advice: Worst move ever. The best way to deal with angry mothers is to stay qu

Post Exams: Day 1

                                Being the  Imperfectionist:                                                         What to do after the exams are over?  Good Morning, mis amigos! My mid term exams just finished yesterday and now I'm all free, free, free! The days of enormous tension are over, yet the results are yet to come. So, the only freedom we all have is the time from when the exams end to the day the results come out and you realise how bad you've performed, so, don't let these days go to waste! Today, I've bought all the fun activities you can do after your exams are over, 'cause everyone deserves some time to just kick back and chill! :) 1. Relax, it's the best way to calm the mind After the exams are over, most people get so excited that they forget the base of things and go in a full on party-mode. Try to control this adrenaline rush and just hit the couch for a moment and you'll actually realise how hyped up you've been since

Welcome to my blog!!

                                                             An Euphoria of Thought:  A Place where the Heart and the Mind are in sync Welcome, my dearest readers! I shake you warmly by the hand :)  'An Euphoria of Thought' is a wonderful place for you to open up and vent out all the heat that you've bottled up inside. At times, even the smallest of matters anger us or make us feel small. But here at Euphoria, you can voice your problems to your hearts content, because yours truly is here to listen and help you with your everyday hitches!  It's okay to take a break and just chill sometimes, even though the name may sound a bit psychological and stuff, this blog can actually help you discover a different side of you. An aspect of yourself that you never knew existed! So be ready for a long ride folks! :) signing off Lilly Elaine